Friday, July 22, 2011

Discrimination in Education

Hip Hop, fashion and habits has become a division in society. people are catalogue for the way they dress and the type of music they prefer. Schools do not understand that young people follow what is popular and what they belive is "cool", there more this not necessarily means that they are not intelligent people able to study and move forward with a good education. Society is descrimating them because some of them act in certain improper manners. Black people likes rap, hip hop, but they also are good followers of jazz what is classic and elegant, and there is white people who also follow this style,; but noone point them like they are behaving on a wrong manner because they are been influenced by the lyrics of some rap song. At this point  society should know that this conduct is improper, judge others without giving them the benefit of the doubt. Let people feel confortable, let's trust in new generationn and you will create them the compromise of a better show off for their families, race and culture.

It also influence the age when this people get older they realize that is not just try to impose to others they way they are, or they believes is just that people have to follow rules and this include proper dress code to respect the  institution where you work or study, do not think; Why should I have to change myself to to get a job? You do not have to change, just behave and use the right attitud for each place and ocassion.

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